Pachinko Machine


Today I improved my Pachinko Machine inspired game by adding the scripts above e.g. The movement of the goal, the ability to move and spawn in balls and for the goal to actually load the next level. The script for the goal to actually work isn’t working at the minute but next time I hope to get it working.


The 12 Principles Of Animation

Disney’s Twelve Basic Principles of Animation were introduced by the Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas in their 1981 book The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation.

The 12 Principles Of Animation are:  Squash and Stretch, Anticipation, Staging, Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose, Follow Through and Overlapping Action, Ease In and Ease Out, Arc, Secondary Action, Timing, Exaggeration, Solid drawing and Appeal.

SQUASH AND STRETCH – This action gives the illusion of weight and volume to a character as it moves.

ANTICIPATION- This movement prepares the audience for a major action the character is about to perform, such as, starting to run, jump or change expression.

STAGING- A pose or action should clearly communicate to the audience the attitude, mood, reaction or idea of the character as it relates to the story and continuity of the story line.

STRAIGHT AHEAD AND POSE TO POSE ANIMATION- Straight ahead animation starts at the first drawing and works drawing to drawing to the end of a scene. You can lose size, volume, and proportions with this method, but it does have spontaneity and freshness.

FOLLOW THROUGH AND OVERLAPPING ACTION- When the main body of the character stops all other parts continue to catch up to the main mass of the character, such as arms, long hair, clothing, coat tails or a dress, floppy ears or a long tail (these follow the path of action).

SLOW-OUT AND SLOW-IN- As action starts, we have more drawings near the starting pose, one or two in the middle, and more drawings near the next pose.

ARCS- All actions, with few exceptions (such as the animation of a mechanical device), follow an arc or slightly circular path.

SECONDARY ACTION- This action adds to and enriches the main action and adds more dimension to the character animation, supplementing and/or re-enforcing the main action. Example: A character is angrily walking toward another character.

TIMING- Expertise in timing comes best with experience and personal experimentation, using the trial and error method in refining technique. The basics are: more drawings between poses slow and smooth the action.

EXAGGERATION – Exaggeration is not extreme distortion of a drawing or extremely broad, violent action all the time. Its like a caricature of facial features, expressions, poses, attitudes and actions. Action traced from live action film can be accurate, but stiff and mechanical.

SOLID DRAWING- The basic principles of drawing form, weight, volume solidity and the illusion of three dimension apply to animation as it does to academic drawing. The way you draw cartoons, you draw in the classical sense, using pencil sketches and drawings for reproduction of life.

APPEAL- A live performer has charisma. An animated character has appeal. Appealing animation does not mean just being cute and cuddly. All characters have to have appeal whether they are heroic, villainous, comic or cute.

First Levels

Today I started on my Pachinko style game by creating the first two of many levels. My levels are quite different from the reference material that I found because I wanted to come up with a unique design from the top of my head instead of copying from an already existing design. I am aiming to develop at least 10 levels to my Pachinko style game. I have learnt how to add a bounce to my player to be able to get it around my level in more of a random style.

The Pachinko Machine

The Pachinko Machine is a type of mechanical game originating in Japan and is used as both a form of recreational arcade game and much more frequently as a gambling device, filling a Japanese gambling niche comparable to that of the slot machine in Western gaming. A pachinko machine resembles a vertical pinball machine, but is different from Western pinball in several ways. First, a pachinko machine uses small (11mm diameter) steel balls, which are rented to the player by the owner, while pinball games use a larger, captive ball.

Today I have been set the task of making a Pachinko Machine style game in Unity, so I decided to do some research and I found two Pachinko machines, one Modern and one Traditional. I am aiming to make a game like the Modern Pachinko machine (Left) but my aims might change.



Today I started work on VFX and the basics of putting objects into an environment. I learned how to remove a green screen background in an image and I learned how to bind an image with a null to make the image a solid, still image that doesn’t move with the camera.

My Maya Room


Today I completed my room on Maya at home in my spare time. As the days go on the more that I do I get more and more comfortable with Maya and all the other programs. I still have not yet mastered the UV Mapping so I managed to texture all my assets using the UV Planar tool that maps Quadrilateral shapes. I changed my mind on the locker room design because I wanted to have a real life reference right in front of my eyes so I made my room at home and because of this change in ideas I feel as if it is much more detailed that it would have been if I kept the locker room idea.


Room Task


Today, I started my room project on Maya. The room is going to be a football changing room which I took reference from this photo:Aberdeen-Football-Club

Slowly but surely I am getting used to Maya and I hope to be able to master the whole UV Mapping thing.

So far I have used:

-A TV (Not visible)

-A Table


-A Door


Today, at HOME, I have been working on a better version of my not so good space ship and I also tried to see if i could get the hang of UV Mapping but I still do not know how to do it. I am also attaching a picture of a barrel, also made in Maya that I have also done today since I have not posted one before.