Next Week Planning! (2nd Game Planning)

At the end of this week I plan to have Astrol Defence up and ready to go since I still need to tweak a few things here and there with certain scripts and components to make the game as smooth as possible.

Since by the end of this week I will have the game finished I will be moving on to another type of game for the project. This game will be a more modern style of game since this arcade machine will be played in the main arcade room and not in the storage room. The genre of game I will be going for will be a fairly simple 2D platformer game and I may be adding a sub genre like adventure for example. Below are a few reference images that I may use to help me with things like level design and style of my upcoming game:

I have picked these images due to them all having different things which I may like to add to my platformer game, for instance: the first reference has a coin counter in the top middle of the screen which I would like to include in my game, the second reference has quite a simplistic style of flooring tiles but the thing that I really liked in this was the impact that a dark set background has on the rest of the level. This made me choose this as reference because it made me think what other style of background could I have that impacts the players feelings (e.g different seasons). Finally, I chose the third reference because I really like how the multiple layered background looks when in an environment. I hope to combine what I took from the second and third reference and put it into my game by maybe having it based in winter (to give the player a cold feeling) and having multi layered snowy mountains in the background.

Anyway, to get back onto what I plan to do next week, I hope to get a decent way into the core mechanics of the platformer by maybe having the basic movement (walking and jumping), enemies that kill on collision with the player and an end goal that transitions to the next level. In total I plan to have around five levels in the game overall. If I get all of that done by the end of the week I can start on the basic and pixelated (most likely) art

In terms of art I don’t want to have a character that I will need to put much effort into animating because I want to put the majority of my focus and attention into the programming side of things so my character will most likely have one or no legs and no arms to limit the animation process as much as I possibly can.

Potential idea reference images:

Image result for basic game charactersddadwda.PNG

I could potentially go for something like this but ideas can always change and I could get something in the end that looks nothing like these, that is the wonder of planning and the final product.

That’s all for now with the Synoptic Project,

Matty OUT!

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