Imagined Worlds – Particle Effects!

Recently I realised that I hadn’t blogged about much regarding the Imagined Worlds Project so I have decided to dedicate the next few days to posting about the work that me and the rest of my group have done on the project.

For the first blog post I am going to cover the vast amount of particle effects that I created for the project. I will go into more detail on the main particle effects and

Fire Particle – I have already blogged about this particle effect so I will just add a hyper link to the recent blog post here.

FireGifFire GIF

Rain Particle – This particle was the most challenging of all of the particle effects because I had not worked with the different scaling of separate particles before because, up to that point, I had only worked with solid particles like the fire one but I got it done in the end and I am really proud with how it turned out.


Lightning Particle – This effect turned out really well considering that I have never used the trails function in particle effects before. It was a fairly simple process that in the end gave out a very nice and clean particle effect and I’m pretty happy with it.


Smoke Particle – This effect was the first particle that I worked with. I didn’t originally make it for the Imagined Worlds, I made it for a different project but when I heard the Imagined Worlds Project needed particles I put this one in and it worked and after that I wanted to do more.


Miscellaneous Effects – Other effects I worked on. (Also made it into IW project)

Fog Particle


Player Highlight Particle


Spark Particle


Overall I am very happy with how all of these particle effects have turned out and I am also happy with all of the new things that I have learnt by using and creating particle systems during this Imagined Worlds Project, I hope to create more in the future for other projects.

That’s all for now on the Imagined Worlds Project,

Matty OUT!

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