LowPoly Island So Far!

Over the past few weeks I have been working through my portfolio to polish it for the beginning of next month when it needs to be submitted. I have been working on things like redoing my animations, remodeling and retexturing my secret room, starting to make different games to fill the programming side of my portfolio (Doodle Jump and Fruit Ninja remakes), going over old projects like the bedroom project and modular building project with James. (Blog posts on those will be coming soon)!

However with all of the work that needs to be done for the portfolio there are also current projects that need to be finished and one of those is mine and Luke‘s Low Poly World project. Below is the current version of the Low Poly World which Luke has added a spin script to a camera to get a full orbit of the island so we can put it in a gif to show on our portfolio and on our blogs.


The Low Poly World is coming along very well in my opinion. The texturing and the sky box are definitely making the island look a lot brighter and more castaway island like. As you can see below this is the current list of what me and Luke have done for the project.


We are looking to add a few more things before the deadline but for the most part it is finished but it needs a bit of polishing before portfolio and the deadline. We are also doing a collaboration between different islands made by Nath and Bailey, stay tuned for more on that.

However, for now, that is all on the Low Poly World project,

Matty OUT!