Putting My Shield In Substance Painter!

Yesterday in Ben’s I finally, after a long process of UV unwrapping, started to texture my shield in substance painter. As you can see from the screenshot below I am going for the wood and rusty metal style.


I started with the basics of adding a fill layer and a black mask and I started painting. I realised that it would be very hard to do it because it kept painting on surfaces that I didn’t want paint on but a friend of mine, Bailey, pointed out a tool which I had not heard of before that allowed me to paint on faces instead of painting freehand.

I hope to add more to the overall material of the shield, for example: I want to add some metal aspects to the main body of the shield to give it that extra bit of  a hard look to in but overall at the point that I am at at the moment I am happy with what I have produced and already it is the best asset that I have created and after UV unwrapping this and texturing it in Substance Painter I look forward to start on my sword.

That’s all for now with the Triple S Project,

Matty OUT!